Content publishing made easy with seamless website integrations

BrandWell's AI writer makes content publishing fast and painless with integrations straight to your website that even touch your SEO plugins, like RankMath and Yoast.

Lightweight plugins for WordPress and Shopify that won't ever bog your site down

Post statuses and formatting that corresponds directly to your live site

Never have to log into the backend of your site to edit another blog–again. Your post statuses, from draft to editing to published, are all controlled in RankWell and sync live to your site hour-by-hour (sometimes, every few minutes). Even the featured image can be uploaded to RankWell.

Post automations to control simply coded, but beautiful visual elements

Our Post Automations within your Project settings allow you to control how a bunch of in-post elements look, down to the color, icon, and more. Show off in-post top takeaways, Click-to-tweets (including your Twitter handle to feature), Table of Contents (ToC), FAQs (People Also Ask), and even control exclusions inside your content–competitors the AI shouldn't reference, etc.

CTAs (call-to-actions) automated in every blog

Our RankWell editor will automate call-to-actions in every blog post we publish seamless to your site through our integrations–making CTAs a pain no longer. Just set up once in the Call to Action section in your Project settings, and it will be forever automated!

Real, robust integrations
– that we build and maintain over time

Our full-time team of devs constantly optimize BrandWell and upkeep code

We're not some fly-by-night AI tool that's built once, managed or maintained never. If your WordPress or Shopify plugin doesn't sync correctly, our support team directly reports to our devs. You can rely on us to maintain and improve our plugins over time.

Easy to use–you don't have to know HTML or coding languages

Anyone can download, upload and install our plugins directly to their site, without having to get a developer or coder involved. We've made it super simple so there's no barrier to entry to start publishing and syncing great content. Start building your brand today.

Built with safety and privacy in mind

Our plugins are foolproof and safe: there's no opportunity for backdoor code to get in, or hackers to break into your site through it. We've made it impossible–keeping our plugins lightweight and only built for one core purpose, publishing content directly to your site.

Our integrations not only publish content, but will even automate the content in your SEO plugins, too

Never open up a blog in the backend of your site–again

No more wp-admin in your WordPress blog, unless you feel like it (or have other stuff to do). We automate everything, down to the meta title, description, and exact url that needs to show for SEO optimization in your SEO plugins. It's all there, syndicated straight from RankWell.

A complete brand growth automation solution

Inside BrandWell, go from keyword research, topic reports, optimization audits, all the way to planning out your content calendar and bulk-creating content from an array of sources. With our plugins, you can even connect it to your site and schedule every post to go live, without leaving our platform.

Brand growth has never been easier

RankWell is a complete solution that replaces all your writing tools (Docs, Word, Grammarly); your content calendar and planning tools; your SEO scoring tool; your AI detector and plagiarism scanner; and, you even having to login to your WordPress or Shopify site to publish content. Brand growth gametime is ON.

Our vision

We’re building
the world’s first
brand growth engine.

Join us as we make brand building faster and more efficient than it’s ever been before.

Our vision

We’re building
the world’s first
the world’s first
brand growth engine.

Join us as we make brand building faster and more efficient than it’s ever been before.

Experience the power of BrandWell