AI Plagiarism Detector
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Get peace of mind knowing your text is 100% unique and original. Our Plagiarism Checker assures you that your copy is always plagiarism-free by checking the web in real-time for matching content.
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Our tool utilizes state-of-the-art algorithms and real-time crawling to thoroughly analyze your writing and anything that exists online to detect any instances of plagiarism. This comprehensive approach enables you to address any issues, ensuring your work remains original and high-quality.
We have designed this AI Plagiarism Checker with user experience in mind. Its intuitive interface allows users of all skill levels to effortlessly upload content and obtain detailed plagiarism reports. With just a few clicks, you can ensure the originality of your text.
Our AI Plagiarism Checker provides you with extensive reports highlighting any detected plagiarism, along with the source(s) from which the content was copied. This in-depth analysis allows you to easily identify duplicate content, giving you the confidence that your content is thoroughly checked. You can also utilize our AI Detector to identify content that has been written by AI or ChatGPT.
Developed by a team of experts and enthusiasts with deep knowledge of plagiarism detection, our tool is built on a foundation of trust and reliability. We are dedicated to providing a reliable solution that professionals and individuals can depend on for all their plagiarism detection needs.
We understand that technology and content creation are constantly evolving. To ensure our AI Plagiarism Checker remains the best choice for detecting plagiarism, we are committed to continuously improving and updating our tool, staying ahead of the competition and offering you the most advanced solution available.
AI Plagiarism Checker compares similar text with online sources and gives a breakdown of any plagiarism.
It tracks down the primary source and compares the texts. To make the report easier, the exact matched source is then highlighted in red color.
With a single click, the rewrite feature with our premium Plagiarism Checker will rewrite text and makes the copied sentence unique.
If “Quotes” are used, the quoted (“”) words and sentences will not be checked for plagiarism. Excluding specific URL(s) from the search will result in these URL(s) not being checked for plagiarism.
Cite original sources in any format, including APA, MLA or Chicago.
Download the detailed report in pdf format, which includes similar sources with percentages and matched text.
Our Plagiarism Detector tool scans your content against literally trillions of sources to detect any instances of plagiarism, ensuring a thorough analysis of your work.
The intuitive design of our tool makes it easy to use for both beginners and professionals alike.
Our AI Plagiarism Checker provides detailed reports of any detected plagiarism, helping you to address any issues and improve the originality of your content..
Upload your content in various formats such as .doc, .docx, .pdf, and .txt for seamless plagiarism checking.
Plagiarism checking should be done by anyone who is creating, publishing, or evaluating content to ensure originality and intellectual honesty. This includes:
To maintain the quality and originality of the content they publish, protecting the reputation of their organization and avoiding legal issues related to copyright infringement.
To ensure that their work, such as blog posts, articles, and books, is original and does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
To ensure that their academic work, such as essays, research papers, or reports, is original and properly cited.
To verify that their students’ work is authentic and to maintain academic integrity in the learning environment.
To confirm that their published works, including journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters, are free from plagiarism and properly cited.
To verify that reports, presentations, and other documents are original and free from unintentional plagiarism.
Paraphrase the plagiarized text correctly. It is important to understand the core concept of the original text you want to paraphrase. Use different words or alter the sentence structure or simply write those plagiarized sentences in your own unique style or using best paraphrasing tool.
When you have borrowed a sufficient amount of text from the original source, it is best to cite it to avoid plagiarism. Use a specific citation style like APA, MLA, or Chicago while taking some idea or quote from the source.
For word-to-word similarities in the text, it is best to put quotation marks around it. Quoting is the best approach to avoiding plagiarism in all important lines that you want to add to your writing as it is.