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How an AI Content Management System Can Transform Your Business

Julia McCoy
Wednesday, 3rd Jul 2024
AI Content Management

In a world increasingly reliant on digital experiences, businesses are constantly searching for smarter, faster ways to handle content. This is what an AI content management system (CMS) is built for.

AI-driven CMS platforms are revolutionizing the way we create, manage, and optimize content, making it easier than ever for organizations to maintain a dynamic and engaging online presence.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key features and benefits of AI content management systems, and how they can transform your content strategy to stay ahead in a competitive digital marketplace.

Table Of Contents:

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Content Operations

These days, businesses are expected to churn out top-notch digital experiences. Without the right tools, this takes an immense amount of time and resources.

Thankfully, AI can be applied to various verticals, with content management seeing huge advancements.

This fusion of artificial intelligence and content management empowers content teams by giving them more time to spend on things requiring a more “human” touch.

Among the many benefits of AI content management systems are:

1. Smart Content Analysis & Categorization

AI is changing how we understand, analyze, and categorize our content.  Imagine effortlessly sifting through mountains of data and gleaning insightful knowledge from it.

AI can process massive amounts of content in a way that just wasn’t possible before. This means we can quickly understand whether content is appropriate for our audience.

With AI, you can even automate content categorization — a task that used to take several hours. You can also train AI to automate text labeling, sentiment analysis, and keyword extraction.

And that’s not even scratching the surface of what it can do.

2. Automatic Image Tagging

There are some things humans just weren’t designed to be great at.  One example is going through thousands of images to tag each one of them (which we know is important in attracting organic traffic).

AI doesn’t get bored and is remarkably great at repetitive tasks. AI image recognition is sophisticated enough to even give reasons for why it tagged an image the way it did, using this information to optimize it even more.

3. Scalable Personalization and Predictions

Think back to a time when personalization was virtually impossible to do on a large scale. A single human (or even teams of humans) simply couldn’t track that much data.

McKinsey has said that personalization will be the prime driver of marketing success within five years,” meaning having scalable personalization is more important now than ever before.

Thankfully, AI personalization algorithms are powerful enough to not only take note of a single user’s behavior on your website but all of them simultaneously, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

What if, based on patterns it notices, this tech could predict with uncanny accuracy exactly what a user might be most likely to purchase on your site based on their past behavior?

These advancements are already increasing revenue for industry leaders in the space by as much as 15%, and in some cases, are improving their marketing efficiency by up to 30%.

Those are tough numbers to beat.

4. Time-Saving Content Creation

Although I believe it’ll still be quite a while until “the robots” can write with the same level of artistry as us humans, what we’re seeing from Content at Scale outputs may very well prove me wrong.

Just look at this research-backed, SEO-optimized, 100% original blog post generated by Content at Scale’s RankWell long-form writer in under 5 minutes:

You can even use RankWell to build an entire content hub where pillar pages link to subtopics with dedicated blog posts — creating a hub-and-spoke network for boosting your topical authority.

The increasing sophistication of these AI writers is allowing marketing professionals to produce more work in a shorter time.

There are certain content projects such as simple reports, news pieces, quick translations and transcriptions, and blog generation where using AI makes a lot of sense.

But remember, AI isn’t quite at that point where it can consistently create those deeply insightful, viral pieces that we all crave.

Ways You Can Unlock Productivity With AI Content Management

No matter your industry, incorporating AI is one of the most effective ways to enhance productivity and optimize content utilization within your organization.

Let’s look at how AI content management systems can improve your business now and in the future.

1. Effortless Content Organization and Retrieval

Sifting through hundreds of files to find that one crucial piece is a productivity killer. AI-powered search and discovery tools act as your personal content librarian, using contextual clues and intelligent algorithms to pinpoint exactly what you need in seconds.

Forget about wasting time on manual tagging and categorization — AI handles it all, ensuring your content is always organized and easily retrievable.

2. Automated Workflows for Maximum Efficiency

Say goodbye to tedious, repetitive tasks that drain your time and energy. An AI content management system automates workflows, taking care of everything from content updates to approvals and publishing.

This frees up your team to focus on high-value tasks like strategy and creative development, leading to faster turnaround times and increased content output.

3. Scale Content Creation and Management

Content at Scale is an AI-driven content production powerhouse that uses natural language generation to create more engaging and persuasive content so you can start ranking in Google and other search engines.

But more than just an AI writing tool, Content at Scale also acts as a content management system that lets you plan up to a year’s worth of content — thanks to its Content Planner and Content Calendar features.

Here’s what a typical workflow with Content at Scale looks like:

Step 1: Find Target Keywords

Log into your Content at Scale account and click the Keyword Research button to start finding long-tail phrases that you want to rank for.

After entering your seed topic, the AI will generate a list of relevant keywords together with individual metrics for search volume, keyword difficulty, cost per click, and trends.

Step 2: Add Keywords to Your Content Planner

On the right column, you will see an action panel where you can add a keyword to your content planner, turn that keyword into a blog post, or build a topic cluster around that keyword.

Choose all the keywords you want to add to your Content Planner by ticking the boxes on the left.

Step 3: Manage Your Content Planner

On the Content Planner, you can assign a keyword(s) to a writer, add tags, and add details such as keyword context.

Click the pencil icon when you’re ready to generate a blog post.

Content at Scale also has a built-in content calendar if you want to schedule posts for specific dates.

To use the Content Calendar:

Step 1: Choose an Article Source

Click “Start Writing” on the left column and choose an article source.

Step 2: Add a Source and Schedule for Later

If you chose a keyword, enter the long-tail keyword that you want to rank for.

If you chose YouTube or podcast, enter the URL of your source.

If you chose a document, upload the Word or Doc file that you want to turn into a blog post.

Then click “Schedule for Later” to bring up the calendar.

Step 3: Schedule Your Post

On the calendar, choose a date and time and then click “Select”.

Click “Schedule for Later” to add your project to your Content Calendar.

Just like in the Content Planner, the Content Calendar lets you assign tasks to a writer and add tags.

4. On-The-Spot SEO Improvements

Beyond AI-powered content creation, AI also takes sentiment analysis to an entirely new level, acting like your own personal SEO guru. It can suggest, in real time, which areas of your content you can improve to make it more engaging.

Content at Scale does this with its optimization audit feature. Just click the Optimization Audit button and the AI will scan and analyze your blog post in an instant.

Here’s an example of Content at Scale’s optimization audit report:

5. Content Gap Identification

We all know how to do keyword research — it’s the foundation of any SEO content strategy. Content gap identification is the natural evolution of keyword research and analysis.

Content gap identification isn’t just about finding target keywords but also filling in gaps of missing information that a user might be trying to find in the search results.

As users browse through the search results to unearth hidden content gold, their behavior will give us further hints as to what those content gaps are. AI can help you identify these content gaps and create content that fills them.

6. Interactions Between AI Tools

Have you tried using one of those nifty, voice-activated speakers like Alexa or Google Assistant?

If so, chances are you have given it a command such as, “Hey Google, turn on the bedroom lights”.

What if I told you this was just a tiny taste of the future of content operations where your content management systems are working together seamlessly in ways you never could’ve dreamed possible?

I suspect AI content management systems in the coming years will be smart enough to “speak” with other software, passing data back and forth, all in a fraction of the time.

FAQs: AI Content Management Systems

What is a Content Management System Using AI?

An AI content management system leverages artificial intelligence to automate tasks, personalize the user experience, and enhance various content operations. This fusion of AI and content management enhances content creation, improves marketing strategies, and helps businesses thrive in today’s digital world.

What is Generative AI for CMS?

Generative AI is used within a CMS to produce content from scratch such as articles, social media updates, and product descriptions, making it a marketer’s new best friend. It uses machine learning algorithms to learn from existing content and then generate new content that is similar in style and tone.

What is an AI Management System?

AI management systems aim to bring together data, algorithms, and computing power. They automate tasks, discover new insights from information, and allow us to make more informed decisions faster than before.

Is There a Free AI Content Generator?

Although most quality AI tools come with monthly subscriptions, many provide free trials. Consider trying several apps to determine what best suits your needs.  Free AI content generators can be a great way to get started with AI content creation. However, it is important to note that these tools may not be as powerful as paid tools.


The capabilities and advantages of an AI content management system truly redefine what is possible in content marketing.

With AI, you can streamline your content processes, engage your audience better, and keep up with the competition.

Whether you’re aiming to personalize content, automate tasks, or understand your audience more deeply, AI-powered CMS platforms have got you covered.

Jumping on this tech now can set your business up for long-term success in the digital world.

So why wait? The future of content management is here, and it’s powered by AI.

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Written by Julia McCoy

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