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How Troy of Used BrandWell to Grow DA With AI Content

Julia McCoy
Friday, 24th Mar 2023
Client: | A credibility-building resource for copywriters
Results: went from DR 6 to DR 20 in 1 Month
Customer: is a social promotion platform for copywriters. The website’s founding mission is to help talented new copywriters escape the eternal challenge of looking for clients with no proof of successful project completions to back them up.
An A-list copywriter himself, Troy Ericson, the founder of has identified building one’s credibility and personal brand as the secret to lending bigger, better-paying clients. So exists as a resource for copywriters where they can promote themselves to prospective clients for free.
Troy’s strategy involves interviewing copywriters and then publishing the typed interviews on The copywriters get a dedicated page where their interview lives and which Troy encourages them to share on their socials.
According to Troy, 18% of the copywriters he interviews share their interviews, which ‘generates an insane amount of reach’. It’s a smart strategy as it helps promote both the copywriter and
Goal: Boost Authority & Grow into the Premier Website for Copywriters
Troy Ericson bought in May 2022 and launched it in December of that year. He did an excellent job promoting the launch, leveraging the trust and goodwill he had earned from his own successful career running an email investment firm that has generated $100 million for clients since 2019.

In the month launched, the website garnered 169,000 pageviews. It’s safe to say the new business was off to a flying start. But the viral effect of the launch soon wore off. In the second month, traffic nosedived.
Troy realized that, unless he developed legitimate and scalable strategies for SEO and content,, with a domain rating of 6, was not going to grow into the business he had envisaged when he bought the domain.
Solution: Implement SEO and Automate Content Creation
A specialist email copywriter and list manager by trade, by his own admission Troy had ‘never done SEO before and didn’t understand anything about it’. So he sensibly decided to hire a professional SEO to take care of that side of the business.
Brandon Leuangpaseuth is the SEO he brought in.
Brandon knew that the trust Troy’s name had built was a big asset that he could still leverage to grow the site. But as a smart SEO, he also knew that without a solid linking strategy, Troy’s name could only carry the site so far.
So that first month, Brandon worked on the twin tasks of capturing the trust in Troy’s name and building links. After that, he focused on creating content.
Again as any smart SEO knows, good-quality backlinks feed off good-quality content.
Good content helps you generate backlinks, an indicator of credibility and trust that helps you rank high on Google.
But you cannot publish a couple of blog posts a month and expect to rank high for high-value keywords. You have to publish good-quality content at scale.
To build authority for fast, Brandon and Troy figured they had to publish a lot of content quickly. In short, they had to scale content creation.
That is where BrandWell comes in and the reason for this AI content case study. Brandon set out to publish 50 articles in the first month.
As anyone who has hired writers will tell you, managing them to ensure consistent content quality and keep up with your publishing schedule is a tough job. A job that gets harder as you scale.
Mercifully, in BrandWell, Brandon and Troy found an AI tool that could automate the laborious, time-consuming, and oft-costly task of scaling content. They could scale content at a manageable cost, at the same time slashing the time it would take to do it manually.
Scale Content with AI
When you scale content with human writers, the publishing frequency will go up, but so does the cost. And unless you invest even more money in hiring the best writers and editors, the quality of the content tends to trend in the opposite direction.
Troy wanted to publish more quality content, but he did not want to do so paying through the nose. His BrandWell subscription guaranteed him 50 posts per month, which took care of the scaling goal.
Generate a Blog Post with the Click of a Button

The best human writers know that great content pieces start with an outline. That’s one of the qualities they share with our AI, which not only generates an outline from your chosen keyword but allows you to customize it so you can create truly unique content.
‘The customize feature has been a BIG help to navigate the AI tool to write about the topics/satisfy the intent’
Brandon Leuangpaseuth, SEO expert
Spoken like a true SEO, Brandon! And he is right to highlight the need to satisfy search intent. Failure means your content has zero chance of ranking.
In this regard (and a few others we can think of, like writing speed and accuracy), the AI writer beats most human writers, for whom SERP analysis is not always a strong suit.
Not happy with the brief or the post the AI generates? No problem, you can rerun both without losing your credit.
Best-in-Class SEO Optimization Features
Pumping out content on random topics is not how you grow a website. The new pages you publish must target specific searches and tackle closely related topics. Otherwise, you are not going to gain the topical authority required to rank and attract organic traffic.
‘Our new pages I built out using C@S began to get crawled and ranked (which is impressive because is a fairly new site)’
Brandon Leuangpaseuth, SEO expert.
Brandon is an experienced SEO who knows what it takes to get new content crawled faster, even if it’s on a new site. So we will graciously give him back most of the credit for the quick rankings.
But we will take the opportunity to talk up BrandWell’s optimization features, which – as other clients have testified – position new pages for quick wins on search engines.
The AI uses your target keyword and additional context as the basis for the draft it generates. Not just that; the AI crawls the first page of Google when researching content for the draft.
So the draft you get is the best version of what is ranking for your target keyword right now. You don’t have to worry about what content format aligns with search intent as determined by Google. The AI takes care of that for you.
To help you optimize and improve the draft’s chances of ranking even more, the BrandWell editor has an optimization tab with stats for keyword density conveniently compared with that of the ranking pages. Below that, it shows an on-page SEO checklist that highlights parts of the article you have not optimized.
At a glance: 215,726 words of content published in 1.5 months
That amount of content translates to 70 long-form articles. That’s not too shabby, but Troy Ericsson is more interested in what that does to his site’s domain authority: has grown from a small site with a domain rating of just 6 to a DR 20 website in the short space of 1 month.

Brandon normally expects to see that sort of growth after 6 months of focused work on SEO and content. To do it in 1 month takes a combination of skill and great tools.
Troy has been so impressed with the effect the new content and Brandon’s link-building work have had on the website’s growth that he has swiftly moved to upgrade his BrandWell plan.
Call to Action
With the Agency plan he is now on, Troy is targeting to publish 100 posts on this month. This would be impossible to do manually and without taking time away from his other business.
As one of our agency customers found out, hiring a writing agency gets expensive FAST and is not a sustainable option for scaling content. It does not remove the bottleneck of constant back-and-forth communication following up on ordered content and edit requests.
Automating content creation streamlines the entire process of creating and publishing content, saving you money and giving you back the time you used to spend manually writing the content.
With a content scaling strategy that is producing such spectacular results, the goal for Troy and Brandon is to double the content output for this month. All we can say is we are all for that.

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