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Top Content Marketing Statistics for 2023: Trends & Insights

Julia McCoy
Saturday, 1st Apr 2023
content marketing statistics

We all know why is content marketing important. But in an ever-evolving field, it’s crucial to always stay ahead of the competition — which means being aware of both the latest and emerging trends. That’s how you separate what, according to your peers, is working from what’s not.

In this post, we’ll explore the latest content marketing statistics that every marketer should know about. We will also discuss popular trends in content consumption and distribution as well as how much of their marketing budgets companies are using on content marketing.

Whether you’re looking to improve your own content marketing strategy or simply want to stay informed about industry developments, this blog post is for you.

Table Of Contents:

    State of Content Marketing in 2023

    The content marketing industry is rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly competitive as more marketers realize the benefits of using engaging content for organic lead generation.

    4 core components of content marketing

    SEO Statistics

    Content marketers are seeing the growing importance of SEO, especially with over half of website traffic coming from search engines. To stay ahead of the competition, marketers must be vigilant in tracking emerging SEO trends in inbound marketing.

    Video Content Marketing Statistics

    Visual content is hot right now, with short-form videos particularly popular on YouTube. In fact, 73% of consumers prefer to watch short-form videos when learning about something.

    Here are even more video content marketing statistics that truly prove the power and popularity of video content:

    • 89% of consumers have been convinced to make a purchase after watching a video.
    • 96% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
    • 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in 2023.
    • 42% of video marketers spend up to $500 on making a video.
    • 96% of video marketers say videos impact their ROI by increasing brand and product awareness, generating more leads, driving traffic and sales, and reducing support queries.
    • Among marketers who do not engage in video marketing, 30% say they lack the time to do it, 18% don’t know where to start, and 10% think video is too expensive. But that could all change with the arrival of generative AI, specifically text-to-video apps that can generate short videos from just a simple text prompt.
    • To take advantage of this trend, 70% of non-video marketers will be creating online videos for the first time in 2023.
    • When it comes to video types, 66% of video marketers are doing live-action shorts, 57% produce screen-recorded videos, and 55% are into animation.
    • What types of video content are marketers making? 71% of marketers produce social media videos, 70% create explainer videos, 46% shoot testimonial videos, 46% do video ads, 42% launch teaser videos, and 36% focus on product demo videos.
    • According to video marketers, the most effective video marketing platforms are YouTube (78%), LinkedIn (69%), and Instagram (67%).
    • 91% of consumers want to see more online videos from brands in 2023.

    Blogging Statistics

    Although other channels like vlogging are hot right now, written content is still the best means to engage and cultivate relationships with potential customers.

    These statistics show the enduring importance of blogging for businesses in 2023:

    Though blogging remains an essential pillar for any content marketing strategy, many marketers admit that they struggle with content creation. Orbit Media says that:

    • 52 percent of bloggers struggle to find time to create and promote their content.
    • 46 percent of bloggers struggle to generate traffic from their content.
    • 39 percent of marketers are unable to create quality content consistently.

    Digital Advertising Statistics

    The digital advertising market is projected to grow considerably, with mobile devices driving much of this growth as consumers rely on their smartphones for shopping, streaming videos, and other online activities.

    According to Oberlo:

    • Digital advertising spending in 2023 has grown to $601.84 billion — a 9.5% increase from the previous year.
    • The trend will continue for the foreseeable future, predicting growths of 11%, 8.4%, and 6.8% over the next three years.
    • Expenditure is expected to reach $876.1 billion by 2026.
    digital ad spend 2021-2027

    Search engine marketing (SEM) continues to be one of the most effective forms of digital advertising due to its ability to target users based on specific keywords or search phrases. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of online ads such as banner ads or native advertising which require more creative work upfront.

    Social Media Statistics

    Incorporating social media into content marketing strategies is essential for success in 2023. To maximize your content marketing efforts, it’s important to understand the current social media landscape and its trends.

    Influencer Marketing Statistics

    Working with influencers can help businesses widen their reach beyond just followers on their own accounts since influencers already have well-established relationships with large numbers of engaged fans who may take an interest in what they have to offer too.

    Content Marketing and Artificial Intelligence

    With artificial intelligence having a growing influence on content marketing — allowing for the production and distribution of content at scale — there is an exciting future to look forward to.

    Content Marketing Trends are Shifting

    Content types have shifted dramatically over the past few years, with visual mediums like videos being increasingly popular among consumers who crave engaging experiences when consuming information online.

    Video content has seen a dramatic rise in popularity due to its ability to capture attention quickly while still providing valuable insights into topics relevant to viewers’ interests or needs.

    Marketers expect this trend will only continue as new technologies make it easier than ever before for people to consume video on any device they choose – making it an invaluable tool for reaching target audiences across multiple channels simultaneously.

    Marketers measure success not only through web traffic but also through other metrics such as conversions or leads generated via various pieces of original content distributed across different platforms and formats. They plan their strategy around these key performance indicators (KPIs) while using analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track progress throughout the year so they can adjust accordingly if needed.

    Additionally, many marketers are leveraging new technologies like machine learning algorithms which enable them to optimize their campaigns based on user behavior data collected over time — something that was impossible until recently.

    Content Marketing Outlook for 2023

    The content marketing landscape has been rapidly growing in recent years. Marketers need to be aware of the current content marketing data as the sector continues to develop.

    What’s refreshing to note is that 80% of those who considered themselves to be very successful at content marketing have a documented content marketing strategy. It shows that marketers see content marketing to be so essential as to develop and document a strategy for it.

    Below is the outlook for the content marketing industry for 2023:

    1. Content Creation Will Become More Automated

    Automation tools are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. These tools help to streamline processes and save both time and costs. By 2023, the majority of firms will be taking advantage of automation technology to help with content production and content distribution.

    create a blog outline

    At BrandWell, we are seeing an increasing awareness of the benefits of automating content creation by our target audience. By using BrandWell to scale content creation, customers are producing 25x more content than traditional manual processes without spending more money.

    Other tasks that you could automate and save money and time include everything from keyword research and optimization to creating visuals.

    2. Visuals Will Remain a Key Part of the Content Strategy

    Images, videos, infographics, and other visuals have long been used by brands as part of their overall content strategies – but this trend is only going to continue in 2023 and beyond.

    Studies show that humans retain more information when it is conveyed in a visual manner rather than through text exclusively. So, investing in high-quality visuals will make your content more digestible and help your business stand out from the rest.

    3. SEO Remains an Essential Tool for Organic Traffic Generation

    SEO remains an integral component of any successful digital marketing approach, even as algorithms evolve. In fact, experts predict that SEO will still be a key factor for driving traffic and engagement with your website or blog in 2023 – so make sure you’re staying up-to-date on best practices.

    4. Social Media Presence Will Become More Critical

    Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have already had a huge impact on the ability of businesses to reach new customers online – but this influence isn’t likely to slow down anytime soon.

    According to Sprout Social, 91% of marketing executives anticipate their company’s social media marketing budget will increase over the next three years.

    Survey data from Sprout Social also show that 90 percent of marketing executives predict that social media will soon become the primary channel for communication with customers.

    Having a strong presence across multiple social media networks can really pay off for brands looking for visibility online. The companies that will see the most benefit from social media will be those that use a multi-channel approach. It will be those who develop strategies specific to every social media network they have a presence on.

    Artificial intelligence is one of the top trends in business at the moment. As it will in most other industries, it will play an increasingly crucial role in how the content marketing industry shapes up beyond 2023.

    In 2021 the market for AI in marketing was estimated at $15.84 billion. By 2028, it is projected to have increased to more than 107.5 billion. This paints a picture of how fast the influence of artificial intelligence on business is growing.

    Also not slowing down in popularity is video content. According to Content Marketing Institute survey respondents, video production costs will make up 62% of their total marketing budget by 2023 – making video one of the most popular content formats today.

    To ensure success when producing videos, marketers should consider adding interactive elements like polls or quizzes, which have been proven effective at driving engagement levels.

    Traditional marketing remains an important factor in many industries, particularly those where direct sales are involved. Savvy promoters recognize that an organized blend of traditional and contemporary techniques is key to achieving the best ROI from all utilized channels in their promotional plan.

    FAQs – Content Marketing Statistics for 2023

    What is the success rate of content marketing?

    The success rate of content marketing depends on the quality of your content, how well it resonates with your target audience and your distribution strategy. Generally speaking, when done correctly, leveraging content marketing can be highly successful in achieving desired results.

    What is the average rate for content marketing?

    The rates charged for content marketing work depend on the scope of work and skill level required. Content marketers with specialized knowledge in areas such as social media management or analytics will likely command higher fees than those who specialize in writing alone.

    Why is content marketing important?

    Content marketing helps to build trust, loyalty, and overall brand awareness. Publishing more quality content that ranks high on search engines also improves your brand visibility online, which helps you generate more organic leads.

    Automate Your Content Marketing and Stay Ahead of the Competition

    The content marketing industry is rapidly evolving, thanks to emerging technologies like AI and the rise of new content formats such as short-form videos. As we move forward, staying up to date with statistics on both current and emerging trends will ensure that you improve your overall marketing ROI and stay ahead of your competitors.

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    Written by Julia McCoy

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