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Out of your depth with AI content?
Inbound Marketing

Learn inbound marketing techniques from masters at their craft like Julia McCoy.

5 Iconic Brand Voice Examples and How to Find Your Unique Tone
Inbound Marketing
5 Iconic Brand Voice Examples (+ How to Find Your Unique Tone in a Noisy World)

A strong brand identity goes beyond just a catchy logo and a memorable tagline. It’s about crafting a voice that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart in a crowded marketplace. You’ve seen killer brand voice examples — like Nike urging you to “Just Do It” or the quirky humor of Old Spice. […]

Justin McGill
November 1, 2022
is content marketing the same as copywriting
Inbound Marketing
Is Content Marketing the Same as Copywriting?

Is content marketing the same as copywriting? Here's what you need to know about the similarities and differences between these two important marketing strategies.

Justin McGill
September 22, 2022
How to Choose Personal Brand Colors for Impactful Marketing
Inbound Marketing
How to Choose Personal Brand Colors for Impactful Marketing

Have you ever been immediately drawn to a certain color or completely turned off by a specific hue? It happens all the time. We aren’t always aware of why but we have these positive and negative feelings toward a given color. When it comes to branding, color plays a crucial role. 84.7% of consumers cite […]

Jeff Joyce
August 15, 2022
editing blog posts
Inbound Marketing
Editing Blog Posts (6 Easy Steps to Publish Top-Notch Content)

Editing blog posts can be a time-consuming process, but it’s important to make sure your posts are error-free before you hit publish. This is especially true if you use a content writer like RankWell to produce blog drafts. While these types of tools speed up content creation exponentially, you also have to make sure that […]

Julia McCoy
July 11, 2022
keyword clusters
Inbound Marketing
Keyword Clusters are Worth the Work (Here’s Why…and How)

If you’re a small business owner or marketing manager, chances are you’ve heard of a keyword cluster. This SEO strategy involves grouping together similar keywords to target a specific audience with your content. For example, let’s say you own a women’s clothing store. You might create a keyword cluster around the following terms: “women’s clothes,” […]

Julia McCoy
July 6, 2022
low competition keywords
Inbound Marketing
How to Find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic (Hint: Answer Questions)

Every professional SEO knows how hard it is to find low competition keywords, especially those that have high traffic potential. That’s because everyone is searching for them. If you run a small website with low authority, low-competition keywords are your best bet for generating traffic. But only if you can find them! In this article, […]

Julia McCoy
July 6, 2022
lifespan of content why blogs have the best ROI
Inbound Marketing
How Long Does Your Content Last? Why Blogs Have The Best ROI

Creating outstanding content requires an incredible amount of work. It involves time, effort, money, meticulous planning, and a wealth of talent and creativity. There are often multiple contributors involved, along with various software tools and programs to streamline the process. Editing is a painstaking task, with checks and rechecks ensuring everything is polished. Given the extensive […]

Justin McGill
November 18, 2021
content marketing is the only marketing left
Inbound Marketing
Content Marketing Is the Only Marketing Left: 8 Reasons Why

In 2008, Seth Godin, entrepreneur, author, and marketing mastermind said that “Content marketing is the only marketing left.” Not only did Godin seemingly predict the future, 13 years later his idea rings true. What did Godin mean? He meant that instead of churning out traditional advertising techniques, marketers should be focusing on creating content that […]

Julia McCoy
October 8, 2021

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